Emese Jeszenői

violinist & music teacherthe hague and surroundings
International school utrecht


Emese Jeszenői is a Hungarian violinist and music teacher based in The Hague, The Netherlands. She graduated from the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest where she earned her Master degree in performing and her Master degree in education with 'Highest honors'. In 2021, she graduated as a Baroque and Classical violinist from the Early Music Department of the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. Besides of being a performer, Emese started her teaching career in 2017. Currently she is a private violin teacher in The Hague and in the International School Utrecht, and a freelancer performer.

2018-2021 Royal Conservatory, The Hague - Bachelor of Baroque and Classical Violin, Early Music Department
2016-2018 Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary - Master of Music Education (Primary and Secondary Level) specialized in Violin Diploma with Highest Honors
2013-2016 Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary - Master of Classical Musical Instrumental Performance specialized in Violin

PROFESSIONAL HIGHLIGHTSCollaboration with orchestras: Orchestra of the 18th Century (NL), Kölnner Akademie (DE), Orfeo Orchestra (HU), Philharmonic Orchestra Győr (HU), Gustav Mahler Academy (IT), Junge Deutche Philharmonie (DE), Central-European Youth Orchestra (IT)


Being born into a family of teachers, Emese has a natural sense for pedagogy and children. After completing her Master’s degree in violin performance, she began her music education Master studies. During her studies, she fell in love with teaching and ever since her first lesson she knew that teaching will always be a big part of her career.During her work, Emese is keen to find new ways and solutions which fit her pupils the best. She puts great emphasize on understanding the student’s personality and on creating the best possible work plan for everyone. The basis of her pedagogy is to create a safe and inspiring environment for her pupils in which they can grow as a person, discover their talent and develop their skills. In her violin lessons, student and teacher find answers together and work side by side.Emese finds it crucial to keep contact with the parents and give feedback to them about the progress of their child. She shows interest towards education of children with special needs, in which field she would like to gain more knowledge in the close future.


I offer violin lessons from a young age to 99+. Should you or your child be a beginner or someone more experienced, you will find whatever you are looking for in my class.In The Hague, lessons are given in Het Couveehuis on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays.At International School Utrecht, lessons are given on Wednesdays and Thursdays.Currently I accept new students to both locations!

Taking music classes is a good way of recreation and for children it has many beneficial effects. Playing an instrument improves the fine motor skills, the concentration and the imagination. Children can get engaged to an art which may be part of their lifes forever.

It is very important to me to see the motivation of the student. At our first meeting, I like to understand their motivation and during the lessons I aim to build up a commitment towards their violin studies. I also put a lot of emphasis on keeping contact with parents and give them feedback about the progress of their child.

Having private lessons means that pupils don't get to meet fellow players too often. However, I find it crucial to build a community and bring people closer. For this reason, I organize midterm and end term recitals for all of my students. (See gallery!) Attending these occasions is a good way to get to know each other, try out performing in front of an audience and enjoying the music we share with each other.

What you need for your lessons:

  • violin

  • music stand

  • manuscript book for writing music

  • notebook for homework

  • tutor (determined individually)

Besides teaching kids, since the beginning of my career I am also working with adults. I had and have absolute beginners and re-beginners too. Many people choose to start learning music or getting back to an instrument in adulthood. It is a good way of recreation, some time away from the outside, time only for yourself.

When I work with adults, I like to know more about their motivation and goals so we can shape the lessons and the whole process together. You can always specify which style you are interested in more and what is the right tempo for you besides your work and family life. I stand on your side and help you to discover and enjoy your own music, abilities, a different world.

Having private lessons means that pupils don't get to meet fellow players too often. However, I find it crucial to build a community and bring people closer. For this reason, I organize midterm and end term recitals for all of my students. (See gallery!) Attending these occasions is a good way to get to know each other, try out performing in front of an audience and enjoying the music we share with each other.

What you need for your lessons:

  • violin

  • music stand

  • manuscript book for writing music

  • notebook for homework

  • tutor (determined individually)

Every lesson for children begins with rhythm games to improve the rhythm skills and warm up ourselves for the lesson. I work with the Kodály names, but if someone is already more familiar with the French terminology then we continue learning that one.

Children get to creat their own rhythm lines.

We learn how to write notes in the stave and in the same time, we memorize the color of the strings!

Our second class concert in December 2019. Look at the focus on the little faces and the happy smiles!

The third class concert was substituted with video recordings in June 2020. Despite the many difficulties around online lessons, all my students showed a great progress and a strong commitment to their violin lessons. We didn't give up on the end-term celebration, and everyone who made their home videos with my help, received their own edited videos to show to their family and friends.

Our No.4 class concert was again not a live event in December 2020. Due to corona measures, we again had to find an alternative solution. This time we made the videos of my students with professional equipment and after the editing process, we had an online gathering on Zoom to which any invitee could join and we all enjoyed the presentations of the participants together by sharing the videos live. Like this, all of my students could receive the attention and applause they deserved and we could celebrate their hard work and beautiful music making.

Hopefully, this was our last online concert, and our next concert will be live again! So uplifting and inspiring to see the commitment of my students during this difficult school year - the end result spoke for itself!

Some of the students performing with great success in the end term recital of 2022, in the Salon of Couvéehuis, The Hague.

'I recommend Emese for violin lessons! My son has had lessons from her for 3 years.'

'Emese is a good teacher and I have had learned a lot from her!'
Sven (12 yo, 3 years of studies)

'Emese is a great teacher! My two daughters have been learning a lot from her thanks to her excellent teaching skills and methods. I would highly recommend her!'

'I would like to highly recommend Emese as a violin teacher for children. I had her for my daughter's violin lessons and she loved learning from her. She is an amazing violinist and very easy with kids. The best thing about her is that she pays attention to individual needs. Moreover, she is a very hardworking person.'

Coming events:2023
27th January - Mid-term class recital, Internatinal School Utrecht
1st July - End term class recital, The HaguePast events:2022
10th December - Mid-term class recital, The Haue
September - Participant of the Gustav Mahler Academy, Bolzano-Dobbiaco-Ferrara
July - End term class recital, The Hague
May - Project with Orchestra of the 18th Century, Amsterdam-Hamburg
April-May - Projects with the Kölner Akademie, Köln/Cologne

Leave a recommendation on my website!

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The Netherlands 2582TL Den Haag Antonie Duyckstraat 32A
Emese Jeszenői is de Functionaris Gegevensbescherming van Adagio Violin Studio. Zij is te bereiken via [email protected]
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Last updated: 15/06/2024


To learn more about my violin lessons or to book a trial session, please get in touch!
Please write a couple of words about your motivation to take lessons with me, and about any previous music education you or your child might have had.
In a trial lesson, you get to try the violin, you get an insight of how a lesson goes, I assess your skills and determin which tutor would be the most idal for your studies. I also love to hear from the applicants regarding their motivation towards learning violin.
